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Clara Friedmann (1869 - 1944) and Hermann Friedmann (1870 - 1940)

Hermann Friedmann, born on 19 March 1870 in Marisfeld, learned the butcher's trade. His wife Clara, born on 27 August 1869, came from Mitwitz. In 1892, the couple came to Jena and Hermann Friedmann opened a wholesale gut and fur business at Grietgasse 25/26. The expansion of the business enabled the Friedmanns to rise to the upper middle class. In 1928 they bought the villa Scheidlerstraße 3. Hermann Friedmann was one of the founders of the "Israelitische Religionsgemeinschaft" in Jena and of the "Israelitische Religionsgemeinschaft", which was newly founded after the I. World War. World War I and the newly founded "Israelitische Religionsgesellschaft zu Jena". The couple made their house available for their services.

After the Night of Broken Glass on November 10, 1938, Hermann Friedmann was arrested together with his son Arthur and taken to the Buchenwald concentration camp. Seriously ill due to the consequences of his imprisonment - he was not released until the beginning of December 1938 - he died on February 15, 1940. He had already had to sell his company to an "Aryan" entrepreneur at the end of 1938.

In 1942, Clara Friedmann had to vacate her house in Scheidlerstraße, where her daughter Martha and her husband Alfred Walther also lived in the meantime, and move into the emergency accommodations of the wagon camp in Löbstedter Straße. On 20 September 1942 she was deported to Theresienstadt and murdered there in 1944. The son Arthur Friedmann was able to emigrate to the USA with his family in 1941.

The Stolpersteine for Clara and Hermann Friedmann were set on 23 May 2007 in Grietgasse 25/26 (initiative of the Jenaer Arbeitskreis Judentum).

zwei Metallplatten mit Inschrift im Boden inmitten von Pflastersteinen eingelassen, daneben zwei rote Gerbera
Stolpersteine für Clara und Hermann Friedmann in der Grietgasse

Hier wohnte Hermann Friedmann, Jg. 1870, verhaftet 1938, Buchenwald, tot an Haftfolgen 15.2.1940.

Hier wohnte Klara Friedmann, geb. Friedmann, Jg. 1866, deportiert 1942, Theresienstadt, ermordet 6.1.1944.

Stumbling blocks Clara and Hermann Friedmann

Grietgasse 25/26
07743 Jena