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Ernst Rempke (1877 - 1940)

Ernst Rempke was born on 10.06.1877 as the son of a craftsman in Köstritz and came to Jena as a teenager. After serving in the army for twelve years, he married Agnes Moser from Gera in 1905. In 1906, Ernst Rempke is listed in the Jena address book as living at Weimar-Geraer-Bahnhofstraße 3. Initially listed as a "worker", his job title was later changed to "railroad worker".

After the death of his first wife in 1911, Rempke married Alma Hüpfer in 1912. Their marriage produced two children. The family lived on Magdelstieg from 1923. In the same year, Ernst Rempke was treated for depression for the first time at the Jena University Mental Hospital. This was followed by a referral to the Blankenhain State Sanatorium.

From there, he was transported to Zschadraß in Saxony on September 23, 1940 as part of "Aktion T4". On 12.11.1940, Ernst Rempke was transferred to the Pirna-Sonnenstein killing center and murdered in the gas chamber on the same day.

On 21.09.2022, a Stumbling Stone was laid for Ernst Rempke at Magdelstieg 67 (initiative of the Working Group Speaking Past).

Stolperstein mit roter Rose
Stolperstein für Ernst Rempke am Magdelstieg 67

Ernst Rempke lived here, born 1877, committed in 1923, Blankenhain State Sanatorium, "transferred" 12.11.1940, Pirna-Sonnenstein, murdered 12.11.1940, "Aktion T4".


Ernst Rempke stumbling block

Magdelstieg 67
07745 Jena