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Heinrich Weidinger (1890 - 1944)

Heinrich Weidinger was born on May 9, 1890 in the Alpine community of Windischgarsten in Austria as the illegitimate son of Theresia Weidinger. Shortly after his birth, his mother left the village and ran a small business in Vienna from 1911 at the latest. Heinrich Weidinger studied and became a surveyor. Nothing is known about his life in the 1920s and 30s.

In 1939, he was arrested in Dachau and sentenced to three years and five months in prison for homosexual relations under Paragraph 175. On March 18, 1943, Weidinger was arrested again by the Weimar police at his last registered place of residence, the "Weimarischer Hof" hotel in Jena.

After several months of "protective custody" in Dachau concentration camp, he was transferred to Buchenwald concentration camp on 12.11.1943, where he was first categorized as a "professional criminal" and then as a homosexual. Weidinger had to perform extremely hard forced labor, which ultimately led to his death. In the Buchenwald files, the date of death is given as 27.01.1944; the cause of death is given as "heart failure with stomach and intestinal catarrh".

On 14.05.2019, a Stumbling Stone was laid for Heinrich Weidinger in the street Unterm Markt in front of No. 4 (initiative of the Working Group Speaking Past).

Stolperstein mit weißer Rose
Stolperstein für Heinrich Weidinger Unterm Markt 4

Heinrich Weidinger lived here, born 1890, arrested 12.6.1939, sentenced §175, imprisonment, "protective custody" 1943 Dachau, Buchenwald, murdered 27.1.1944.


Heinrich Weidinger stumbling block

Unterm Markt 4
07743 Jena