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Luise Eismann (1906 - 1940)

Anna Luise Kicinski was born on August 15, 1906 as the daughter of the carpenter Max Kicinski and his wife Friederike Luise in Jena. The Kicinski couple initially lived with their six children in Neuwinzerla at Kahlaische Straße 57. The address Unterm Markt 7 is given as the later residence of Max Kicinski and his daughter Luise.

Luise Kicinski worked as a domestic servant and married the Jena optician Max Eismann on 23.12.1931. She received psychiatric treatment in Jena the following year and was transferred to the Blankenhain State Sanatorium in 1934. In September of the same year, the Eismanns' marriage was declared null and void.

As part of "Aktion T4", she was transferred to the Pirna-Sonnenstein killing center at the beginning of November 1940, where she was murdered in the gas chamber on November 7, 1940.

The Stumbling Stone for Luise Eismann was placed in front of her former home at Unterm Markt 7 on 23.08.2021 (initiative of the Working Group Speaking Past).

Stolperstein mit roter Rose
Stolperstein für Luise Eismann Unterm Markt 7

Luise Eismann lived here, born in 1906, admitted to the Blankenhain State Sanatorium in 1934, "transferred" to Pirna-Sonnenstein on 7.11.1940, murdered on 7.11.1940 "Aktion T4".


Stumbling block Luise Eismann

Unterm Markt 7
07743 Jena