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Martha Dorsch (1908 - 1941)

Martha Karoline Dorsch was born on 01.08.1908 in Blankenhain. Her parents Gustav and Lina Dorsch moved to nearby Jena immediately after the birth of their daughter. Here the family first lived at Kefersteinstraße 10 and from 1911 at Mittelstraße 44.

Gustav Dorsch worked as a glass worker at Schott & Gen. while Martha, the eldest of his four children, worked temporarily as a domestic servant. In 1929, however, she had to be treated in the university mental hospital on Philosophenweg; a short time later she was transferred to the Blankenhain state sanatorium.

In 1941, Martha Dorsch was a victim of the centrally controlled "T4" murder of the sick. She was taken from Blankenhain via Zschadraß in Saxony to the Pirna-Sonnenstein killing center, where she was murdered with gas on February 3, 1941. 227 other Blankenhain patients shared this fate.

A stumbling block for Martha Dorsch was placed in front of Mittelstraße 22 on 21.09.2022 (initiative of the Working Group Speaking Past).

Stolperstein mit roter und gelber Rose
Stolperstein für Martha Dorsch in der Mittelstraße 44

Martha Dorsch lived here, born in 1908, admitted to Blankenhain State Sanatorium in 1929, "transferred" to Pirna-Sonnenstein on February 3, 1941, murdered on February 3, 1941 "Aktion T4".


Martha Dorsch stumbling block

Mittelstraße 44
07745 Jena