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Martha Walther (1900 - 1942?) and Alfred Walther (1894 - 1942?)

Martha Walther, née Friedmann, was born in Jena on 2 January 1900 and was the daughter of the Jena gut and fur merchant Hermann Friedmann and his wife Clara. Alfred Walther, born on August 7, 1894, came from a Jewish merchant family in Rudolstadt. In 1911 he graduated from the Realgymnasium and took part in the World War a few years later. In 1924 he married Martha Friedmann in Jena and ran a cigar and betting business with her in Rudolstadt. In 1936 the couple moved to Jena into the house of Martha Walther's parents at Scheidlerstraße 3.

During the Reich Pogrom Night in 1938, Alfred Walther was one of the men deported to Buchenwald. He returned at the beginning of December. In August 1941, as successor to his emigrated brother-in-law Arthur Friedmann, he became a confidant of the Saxony-Thuringia district office of the Reich Association of Jews in Germany and in this function was forced to communicate the respective decrees and orders of the Nazi authorities to the remaining Jewish residents in Jena. At the beginning of 1942, the Walther couple was forced to vacate their apartment in Scheidlerstraße and move to the camp in Löbstedter Straße, which consisted of discarded railway wagons. On 9 May 1942, Alfred and Martha Walther were deported to the ghetto via Weimar. Bełżycewhere the trace is lost. They probably died during the evacuation of the ghetto in October 1942.

The Stolpersteine for Martha and Alfred Walther were set on 18 June 2011 at Scheidlerstraße 3 (initiative of the Jenaer Arbeitskreis Judentum).

Metallplatte mit Inschrift im Boden inmitten von Pflastersteinen eingelassen, links daneben zwei rote Gerbera
Stolperstein für das Ehepaar Walther in der Scheidlerstraße 3
Stumbling block Martha and Alfred Walther

Scheidlerstraße 3
07745 Jena