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Max Meyerstein (1879 - 1942), Bertha Meyerstein (1884 - 1941), Franziska Meyerstein (1910 - 1943), Werner Meyerstein (1915 - 1942) and Gerda Abraham (1910 - 1942)

Max Meyerstein came from Bremke near Göttingen. He came to Jena in 1905, where he rose to become a foreman at the Zeiss factory. With his wife Bertha Katz he had two children: the wheelchair-bound daughter Franziska, who was disabled, and the son Werner. The family bought a house in Schützenstraße (today Friedrich-Engels-Straße). The position at Zeiss-Werke secured the family's middle-class existence until 1938, even though it became increasingly insecure. Max Meyerstein was one of the Jena Jews interned in Buchenwald in November 1938. After his release from prison, the family tried to raise the funds to emigrate by selling the house, but Max and Bertha Meyerstein were arrested in April 1940. Max Meyerstein was sent to Buchenwald via the Sachsenhausen and Dachau concentration camps in July 1941. On March 12, 1942, he was gassed in the Bernburg killing center. His wife was murdered in the Ravensbrück concentration camp on 3 April 1941.

Werner Meyerstein's deportation took place on May 9, 1942, together with Gerda Abraham, the Meyerstein's Jewish maid, via Weimar to Bełżyce. Both were probably classified as "fit for work" here, taken to the Majdanek extermination camp, which was still under construction, and murdered there before the end of 1942.

Franziska Meyerstein, who was paralyzed, had to leave her parental home at the end of July 1941 and move into the emergency shelter in Löbstedter Straße. On 2 March 1943 she was deported to Auschwitz. She probably committed suicide on the transport.

The Stolpersteine for the Meyerstein family and Gerda Abraham were set on 23 May 2007 in Friedrich-Engels-Straße 52 (initiative of the Jenaer Arbeitskreis Judentum).

vier Metallplatten mit Inschrift im Straßenbelag eingelassen, daneben eine rote Rose
Stolpersteine für die Familie Meyerstein in der Friedrich-Engels-Straße 52
Metallplatte mit Inschrift im Straßenbelag eingelassen, daneben eine rote Rose
Stolperstein für Gerda Abraham in der Friedrich-Engels-Straße 52
Stolpersteine Meyerstein and Gerda Abraham family

Friedrich-Engels-Straße 52
07749 Jena