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Therese Zuckerkandl (1861 - 1942)

Therese Zuckerkandl, née Kern, was born in Gliwice on 20.12.1861 as the daughter of an industrialist family. With her husband, the lawyer and national economist Prof. Robert Zuckerkandl (1856-1926), she initially lived in Prague. After her husband's death, she moved to Jena to live near her adopted daughter Helene Langer (1888-1944) and her sister Marie Straubel (1865-1944). Therese Zuckerkandl was very interested in art and was a passionate photographer, documenting many of her travels.

In Jena, she became a member of the Jena Art Association in 1927. Impressed by her cousin Anna Auerbach's house in Schaefferstrasse (built in 1924 by Walter Gropius with Adolf Meyer), she also commissioned Walter Gropius to design a house in Weinbergstrasse, which she lived in from 1929 with the family of her adopted daughter Helene and Wilhelm Langer (1887-1973). Exposed to anti-Jewish harassment and degrading reprisals since 1933, the octogenarian, who was increasingly suffering from health problems, received an order in July 1942 to move to the wagon camp in Löbstedter Straße. Since Dr. Wilhelm Langer refused this order of the Jena city administration, the deportation order followed in September 1942. Thereupon she took her own life on September 9, 1942.

The stumbling stone for Therese Zuckerkandl was placed at Weinbergstraße 4a on May 7, 2008 (initiative of the Jenaer Arbeitskreis Judentum).

zwei Metallplatten mit Inschrift im Boden eingelassen, daneben eine rote und eine gelbe Blumese
Stolperstein für Therese Zuckerkandl in der Weinbergstraße 4a
Stumbling block Therese Zuckerkandl

Weinbergstraße 4a
07743 Jena