Toni Meyer-Steineg (1874 - 1944)
Toni Meyer-Steineg, née Stern, was born in Bielefeld on 16 March 1874. She came from a Jewish merchant family. Since 1899 she was married to the ophthalmologist Theodor Meyer, who habilitated in 1907 in Jena in the field of the history of medicine. From 1910 on, the couple used the double name Meyer-Steineg. In addition to his activities as an academic teacher, researcher and collector of medical historical objects, as a scientific publicist and director of a private eye clinic, Meyer-Steineg was also recognized as a composer and musician.
Because of his Jewish background, he was suspended from the university in 1933. He succeeded in making his "Aryan descent" credible, but this was later called into doubt by the relevant authorities. Meyer-Steineg died in 1936 in Italy during a stay at a health resort. His valuable medical history collection, divided up after his death, is now under the scientific care of Jena University (Ernst-Haeckel-Haus).
Toni Meyer-Steineg, described by a family friend as a good-natured, kind woman, was defencelessly exposed to all anti-Jewish harassment after her husband's death. After she had been forced to contribute 44,000 Reichsmark to the "atonement" of German Jews in 1938, the "security order" over her assets followed in 1939.
When she was deported to Theresienstadt on 11 January 1944, she had already been suffering severely for some time. On November 25, 1944, her life ended in Theresienstadt.
The Stolperstein for Toni Meyer-Steineg was placed on 7 May 2008 at Lassallestraße 6 (initiative of the Jenaer Arbeitskreis Judentum).

Hier wohnte Toni Meyer-Steineg, geb. Stern, Jg. 1874, deportiert 1944, Theresienstadt, ermordet 25.11.1944.