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Louis Zamory (1871 - 1943), Maria Stensch (1863 - 1944), Sara Camnitzer (1856 - 1942)

In 1903, the private owner Salomon Zamory (1824 - 1913) was the first member of the Zamory family from Tuchel to be documented in Jena. His daughter Maria Stensch ran a "men's and boys' wardrobe store" together with her husband Isidor in the house the family lived in at Saalstraße 15/16. After the death of her husband Mendel Camnitzer in 1911, her sister Sara Camnitzer is listed as the owner of a white and woolen goods store.

In 1935, the pensioner Louis Zamory, a brother of Maria Stensch and Sara Camnitzer, is mentioned for the first time as a resident of the corner house in Saalstraße. On November 10, 1938, he was deported to Buchenwald concentration camp, like many other Jewish men from Jena.

After the dissolution of the family business in 1938 and a forced move to the wagon camp in Löbstedter Straße in 1941, the Zamory siblings were deported to Theresienstadt on September 20, 1942. Sara Camnitzer died there on 30.10.1942, her brother Louis Zamory on 06.01.1943 and Maria Stensch on 25.04.1944.

On August 17, 2009, the stumbling stones of the Zamory siblings were placed in Saalstraße (initiative of the Jenaer Arbeitskreis Judentum).

drei Stolpersteine mit Rose
Stolpersteine für die Geschwister Zamory in der Saalstraße

Klara Camnitzer, néeZamory, born1856, deported20.9.1942, Theresienstadt, murdered 30.11.1942,lived here .

Maria Stensch,née Zamory, born1863 ,lived here , deported 20.9.1942 ,Theresienstadt, murdered 25.4.1944.

Louis Zamory, born 1871 ,lived here , deported 20.9.1942 ,Theresienstadt, murdered 6.1.1943.


Stumbling blocks Zamory siblings

Saalstraße 9
07743 Jena