Frieda Hofmann (1885 - 1944) and Salomon Hofmann (1869 - 1944)
Frieda Hofmann, née Plaut, was born on 30 July 1885 in Schmalkalden, Salomon Hofmann on 10 December 1869 in Themar. In Jena, the couple ran a furniture business from 1902, later a real estate agency and a tobacconist's shop. From 1909 they lived in Lutherstraße 9 for rent. Salomon Hofmann took part in the World War as a front-line fighter.
From 1940 onwards, the landlady in Lutherstraße made intensive efforts to terminate the couple's tenancy. From May to September 1942, Salomon Hofmann was the liaison person for Jena between the Nazi authorities and the Jewish citizens remaining in Jena as a confidant of the Reich Association of Jews in Germany. On September 20, 1942, the couple was deported to Theresienstadt. A last sign of life of the couple comes from here in the form of a postcard to a former household help. On October 28, 1944, the couple was transported to Auschwitz, where they were murdered at an unknown date.
The only daughter Paula (1909 - 2014) was able to emigrate to the USA with her husband Heinz-Henry Ehrenberg in 1940. Her intensive efforts to get her parents out of Germany and save them from imminent deportation failed.
The Stolpersteine for Frieda Hofmann and Salomon Hofmann were set on May 7, 2008 at Lutherstraße 9 (initiative of the Jenaer Arbeitskreis Judentum).